Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Gap year program

Some students spend time travelling. Others spend their time working, and many combine these into an international working holiday. A popular option for gap year students, also known as "gappers," is international volunteering. In the wake of the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake, a big number of the volunteers who helped in South Asia

were on a gap year. Also, many gap year students earn money while overseas by working cash in hand, often in the hospitality industry. Another growing trend for gappers is to enroll in global education programs that combine language study, home stays, cultural immersion, community service, and independent study. Such experiential opportunities exist in countries ranging from India to China and Morocco to Brazil.

gap year travel insurance

gap year programs in africa


Chef E said...

I did something similar in college, got to spend three months overseas in Holland, Denmark, Germany and had the greatest time of my life...

Jenners said...

I wish I had a gap year when I was in college. Would have been helpful to get some direction and experience in the "real world."

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